Over 2021/22, Fireworks and its sister company Watermist have chosen to support a cause close to our hearts – the Norfolk & Norwich Hospitals Trust.
In May 2021, 18 members of staff from Fireworks and Watermist took part in a sponsored sports challenge, with the aim of running 5 kilometres. Fireworks sponsored all staff who took part with £100 and with our additional sponsors we were able to raise £3,395!
“We couldn’t be more delighted for the incredible support that Watermist and Fireworks have shown us by fundraising £3395 following their first ever 5K May in support of N&N Hospitals Charity. We’re proud to be supported by our local community and the effort of businesses like these based in Norfolk rallying their teams, friends and family shows what can be achieved in aid of the amazing healthcare provided by our expert colleagues across the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. We look forward to our continued relationship with them in fundraising for our hospitals.”
“All of us have directly benefited from, or have colleagues or family members who have benefited from our local healthcare services” says Derek Killaspy. “I’m very pleased to see the enthusiasm with which so many of our team participated in the Fun Run event and we deserve to be proud of the results.”