Entrusted by the Ministry of Justice since 2007, Fireworks is the UK’s leading provider of water mist fire protection for custodial buildings. From police custody suites, to court houses and large titan prisons, our solutions are present in over 250 facilities.
Fireworks provides a full range of fire protection services, from custom design and installation, to commissioning, testing and maintenance.
Unique life-saving properties of Fireworks’ water mist fire protection for custodial buildings
Fireworks’ provides the only full range of water mist fire protection solutions specifically designed for custodial facilities. High pressure water mist is known for its unrivaled life-saving capabilities in the event of fire. With fastest fire and heat suppression of any fire protection system, it is the only solution proven to curb the spread of deadly smoke.
– Only solution to combat the spread of smoke – the biggest life threat in fires.
– Proven fastest-acting fire suppression and cooling properties.
– Anti-ligature nozzles developed especially for the custodial sector.
– Robust, tamper-proof systems
– No chemicals, harmless to people and the environment
– Acts locally to the point of fire.
– Protects all areas including high hazard such as laundries and storage.
– Tested, approved and recommended by the UK Ministry of Justice
Operational benefits
– Low water use means no cell flooding, no need to evacuate cells.
– Minimal clean-up from fire, smoke and water damage
– Range of automatic systems and easy-to-operate manual systems.
– Fast and easy to install. Less disruptive in retrofitting
– Easy maintenance
– Tested and proven as harmless to electrical equipment.
– Superior lifetime of systems compared to other fire protection solutions.
– Space saving – smaller pumps, water tanks and pipes
How high pressure water mist works in custodial facilities
Compact, powerful high-pressure pumps feed patented water mist nozzles, via a network of stainless-steel pipes. In the event of fire, the nozzles are triggered at the affected areas to emit ultra-fine water mist under high pressure.
The water droplets in the watermist are less than 100 microns each. Under heat, they quickly atomise to cool and suppress fire and smoke. Once the fire has been extinguished, the water mist continues to reduce the heat temperature, preventing re-ignition.
Automatically operated water mist systems
In automatically operated systems, in-cell nozzles are heat-activated directly at the point of fire, triggering the water pump. The nozzles emit ultra-fine water mist under high pressure. Each water particle is a thousand times smaller than a regular droplet. Under heat, the water particles atomise to rapidly combat fire, smoke and heat. The unparalleled cooling properties of high pressure water mist also prevent re-ignition of fires. As only very small amounts of water are used, there is minimal disruption to prison operations.
Manually-operated water mist systems
Active, manually operated high pressure systems work on the same principle, using wall-mounted hose reel cabinets or mobile units fitted with high pressure water mist nozzles. These manually operated water mist systems are often used in parallel with automatically operated systems for larger prisons, or as a standalone solution for smaller custodial suites.
Testing and approvals
All the water mist systems we use are approved and tested by the Ministry of Justice, His Majesty’s Prison Service, the Building Research Establishment (BRE) and the Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisations. Throughout the custodial sector, water mist solutions have been proven under controlled tests and in real life situations.
Fireworks is the leading fire suppression company for the Custodial Sector in the UK. Entrusted by the Ministry of Justice for nearly two decades, Fireworks protects over 250 prisons, custodial suites and immigration centres in the UK and overseas.
Fireworks – the UK’s leading provider of water mist fire protection for custodial buildings

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See an installation combining automatic and manually operated water mist systems at HMP Stocken.
To discuss fire protection for new build or retrofit projects in the custodial sector, call us on 0800 975 7462 for advice on your fire protection needs.