Fireworks’ fire suppression solutions are used to improve life safety in hundreds of cells in police stations and courts. One example is the Basingstoke Police and Investigation Centre (PIC). Fireworks custom-designed, installed, tested and commissioned a water mist system for the PIC’s 36 detention cells. Maintenance is also assured by Fireworks on an ongoing basis.
The PIC in Basingstoke was designed to provide an environment where detainees can be processed quickly and securely. The building forms part of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s wider strategy to modernise the entire custodial estate. The centre was officially opened by the Home Secretary and the Police and Crime Commissioner for Hampshire, who recognised the building for its “excellent design, build and function”.
In line with this modernisation strategy, Fireworks provided an automatic high pressure water mist fire suppression solution that interfaces with the PIC’s building management system and requires no manual intervention. High pressure water mist is Ministry of Justice’s specified solution for the custodial sector, as it is proven to providing the fastest, most efficient suppression of fire, smoke and heat.
Compact pump and water tank unit
The fire suppression solution is powered by a compact, high pressure pump unit. The building’s mains water supply is used to feed a fully enclosed 250 litre reservoir tank, which is mounted on top of the pump. This combined pump and tank unit is so light that it can be located in building’s roof top plant room. The tank’s water levels are constantly monitored by the building management system.
The pump and water tank unit are connected to water mist nozzles in each cell, via a network of 316-grade stainless steel pipes. The nozzles selected for this project were ‘open’, anti-ligature nozzles. In the event of an incident, the nozzle in the affected cell will automatically emit a fine watermist to quickly suppress fire, smoke and heat. This ensures a survivable environment for the occupants and negates the need for evacuation. As only very small amounts of water are used, there is no risk of a cell being flooded.
System activation
The custom-design for the Basingstoke PIC incorporates ‘open’ water mist nozzles and a smoke detection system (Fireworks’ solutions can also be heat-activated). When smoke is detected, a start signal is sent to the pump to propel water through the distribution pipework and open only the section valve connected to the affected cell.
Fireworks’ design and installation for the PIC are in accordance with NFPA 750 recommendations, local authority and utilities regulations and the Ministry of Justice STD/M/SPEC 054 requirements. The system has undergone testing with the Ministry of Justice and the Building Research Establishment (BRE) and has been proven to be effective at suppressing and controlling fires in a cell application.

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