While fires in tunnels are rare, when they do occur the biggest challenge is to maintain a survivable atmosphere during passenger evacuation. Smoke, heat and fire can travel rapidly through tunnels, hindering rescue teams and making escape routes difficult to reach.
Watermist is the only fire protection solution able to reduce the spread of smoke, in order to provide a tenable environment for evacuation. It also has the fastest-acting fire suppression and cooling capabilities. The effectiveness of watermist and the very low levels of water used when activated, contribute to preserving structural integrity of tunnels.
How watermist works
Watermist systems are powered by compact, efficient pumps which are linked to watermist nozzles via a network for stainless steel pipes and valves. Water can be supplied by mains water and/or a dedicated water tank. Watermist nozzles, specifically designed, tested and approved for each application, are located in all areas to be protected. Continuous updates of the system status are sent to control panels and can be linked to building management systems.
On detection of fire, smoke or excess heat, the nozzles in the affected location automatically emit watermist under pressure for fast fire suppression, cooling and smoke cleaning. As only very small amounts of water are used, transport networks can normally resume operations rapidly.
Fireworks can provide advice and complete design, installation, compliance and maintenance services for your installation. For more information contact 0800 975 7462

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