In healthcare facilities, evacuation of all patients in the event of fire is not a viable option. Watermist protects vulnerable patients from smoke and fire – and prevents damage to electrical and other medical equipment. Fireworks’ solutions are suitable for operating theatres, laboratories, intensive care rooms and all other areas of healthcare facilities.

Case study – Broadmoor Hospital
Broadmoor is a high-security psychiatric hospital built in Victorian times. The facility recently underwent major renovation and extension projects to bring it up to 21st century healthcare standards – with fire protection systems provided by Fireworks.

Read Healthcare Fire Protection Innovations article in BDC Magazine
August edition of BDC Magazine editor Interviews Fireworks’ Derek Killaspy on why and how healthcare facilities are adopting water mist fire protection

Supporting the Norfolk & Norwich Hospitals Charity
Fireworks and our sister company Watermist suppport a cause close to our hearts – our local NHS charity, the N&N Hospitals Charity. We have been organising a series of fund raising events and donations since January 2021. So far we have raised over £5,000. For the latest updates visit our news and CSR pages.
Case study – Schoen Clinic London
The Schoen Clinic in London is an award-winning private hospital specialising in orthopaedics and spinal care. Fireworks custom-designed and installed a watermist fire protection system to protect OH1, OH2 and OH3 areas of this prestigious hospital.

Why choose water mist for hospitals & clinics?
Fire protection is a crucial element of patient care. Fast evacuation in the event of fire is not always viable for those with reduced mobility, in intensive care, or in operating theatres. Find out how Fireworks’ fast-acting water mist solutions can help save lives in the event of fire, while hi-tech medical equipment continues running smoothly.
Contact 0800 975 7462 or to discuss your healthcare building or retrofit project.
For more information contact us FREE on 0800 975 7462 or our regional offices
London 0207 205 5793 Manchester 0161 452 7122 Glasgow 0141 308 8494
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