Fireworks wins Laing O’Rourke Supply Chain Award

Fireworks wins Laing O’Rourke Supply Chain Award

Laing O’Rourke, one of the world’s leading construction and engineering companies, presented Fireworks Fire Protection Ltd with the Supply Chain Collaboration Award during its recent UK Supply Chain Forum. The Collaboration Award recognises Fireworks’ outstanding...
Government buildings – critical fire defence

Government buildings – critical fire defence

Fireworks has been entrusted to design and install water mist fire suppression solutions for a range of government facilities, including central government offices and listed heritage buildings. Our projects to retrofit fire protection systems into existing properties...
Case study – Biomass depot – Liverpool docks

Case study – Biomass depot – Liverpool docks

E.ON Energy’s biomass depot at the Liverpool docks transfers and delivers biomass from around the world. Fireworks engineered a watermist fire suppression solution for the depot’s three main biomass conveyers, totalling over 700m in length. Fireworks bespoke watermist...